Category: Sewing, Knitting & Crafting

  • Box Bag Tutorial

    One of my best friends just had baby number two. Baby number one is no longer a baby, but is still young enough to be a bit confused by all the change going on around her and so I wanted to make something special for her. She is into organizing, stacking and carrying things with…

  • Amy Butler Cosmo Bag

    February is a busy time. It’s full of grant deadlines and collection deadlines. And the flu. February is also filled with the flu. So I’ve been quiet here, but wanted to pop in to post the bag I made for Indianapolis International Film Festival’s silent auction and Oscar viewing party this Sunday, February 24th at…

  • Do Scary Stuff

    I am not an adventurous type, but I really wish I were. I see the (made up) repercussions of things well before I attempt anything, harmless or otherwise. It’s always been that way. Get a tattoo, get disowned by my parents. Have fun like most high school students, get my father fired because someone he…

  • Baby Gifts

    I’m the first to admit I’m a very bad consumer. If I think I can make something I will avoid buying it, even when it makes a lot more sense to just spend the money. But I’m stubborn. Earlier this month I hosted a baby shower and, even though we were working on the house…

  • Echino Zippered Clutch

    I have a thing about zippers. And it’s  more than just a thing, it’s pure disdain. But this echino laminate sat in my fabric stash for years, waiting for the perfect project. And it turns out all reasonable contenders for the perfect project involved zippers. So with Christmas nearing and my younger sister having commented…

  • Christmas Pillows

    One of my best friends lives about 200 miles away so we make a point each year to get together a few times for marathon weekends of crafting, baking and just catching up. On one of our weekends she showed up with a screen printing kit she’d found for me at Michael’s for one cent.…

  • Melody Miller Pieced Pillow

    This summer I walked into our sweet local fabric store and walked out with a yard of Melody Miller’s Ruby Star Spring 2011 fabric. Its rich colors and texture drew me in and my first thought was, “I must make a skirt.” But upon bringing it home I realized it was much more “art” and…

  • Every Dog Counts Rescue Quilted Clutch

    Our dear little dog is not the most socially adept creature. Even though we rescued him at a really young age he had a rough enough start to make him slightly neurotic. Plus, he lives with us, two slightly wacky people, which probably doesn’t help matters. When he was younger we tried all we could…

  • Easy Bunting Baby Quilt

    Yesterday morning my brother and his girlfriend welcomed Harper Laine, their healthy little girl, into the world. I’m really happy for him — for them. He’s going to be a terrific father and I think they are going to be a pretty awesome parenting team. And her birth was perfect timing, not only because she…

  • Metalsmithing: Part 3

    I have no projects to show for the past few months, unless you’d like to read some grants (not recommended). Those have been successful, but things around the house haven’t. The temperature and humidity have changed so much that my DIY Shampoo is creating some serious scalp confusion. Our beautiful and promising garden rebounded after…