Tag: gifts

  • A Fox, a Lamb and an Owl, Oh My!

    Normally Christmas brings with it a flurry of crafting. I usually can be found huddled over my sewing machine for weeks leading up to the day as I try to perfect something for each family member. This year that didn’t happen, and I have a feeling no one minded but me. While making gifts for…

  • Simple Quilted Coasters

    Lately I have been awful about working on projects. I started a jacket a month ago. It has been sitting on our dining room table in a stack of pieces all that time. I’ll put  a sleeve on, and then take a sleeve off. I’ll top-stitch a hem, and then rip it all out. It’s…

  • Echino Zippered Clutch

    I have a thing about zippers. And it’s  more than just a thing, it’s pure disdain. But this echino laminate sat in my fabric stash for years, waiting for the perfect project. And it turns out all reasonable contenders for the perfect project involved zippers. So with Christmas nearing and my younger sister having commented…

  • Every Dog Counts Rescue Quilted Clutch

    Our dear little dog is not the most socially adept creature. Even though we rescued him at a really young age he had a rough enough start to make him slightly neurotic. Plus, he lives with us, two slightly wacky people, which probably doesn’t help matters. When he was younger we tried all we could…

  • Ghost Tank

    My little sister is a summer camp counselor. I admire anyone who can do that sort of work, but in this record-breaking heat I admire it even more. Sadly, though, I’ve been a delinquent older sister and haven’t even sent her a letter this summer. So this week I tried to make up for my…

  • Christmas Crafting: Part 3

    That’s right, it is February 4 and I’m just now getting around to sharing Part Three of my Christmas crafting tales. Some projects just take more time than others, especially projects for Regan. I’ve always had trouble completing projects for him in a timely and secretive fashion. We spend so much time together in our…

  • Belated Gift

    My Grandma is the quintessential Grandma. She’s kind, gleeful and easy to please. Her house is filled with every gift that anyone has ever given her. With each gift-giving occasion, her children and the grandkids seem to give smaller and smaller gifts so each trinket or decoration can nestle into another nook or cranny of…