
This is the year of Baby.

Most of the babes arriving have been born to my friends, but the latest in the bunch was born to a friend of Regan. Regan and the proud new papa are former college roommates who are now co-workers and frequent Xbox Live players.

In thinking of a “practical” baby gift to make, Regan agreed that this was just the thing.


What’s this, you ask?

A stuffie for play dates with dad.

It’s hardly original, but was definitely a fun object to make on the fly. Regan was more than happy to help with art direction. If he’d had full control it would have come with a battery pack and flashing lights.

Instead, August only got a plush version of the Xbox game controller.


Even though it’s squishy and soft, it’s not nearly as cuddly as August. That wee babe is the stuff.


8 responses to “Plush”

  1. Maryann Avatar

    That is so great – I laughed out loud! I’ll bet Jack would like one, too…

  2. michael Schwab Avatar
    michael Schwab

    Wow, cnorton, that is amazing!

    1. cnorton Avatar

      Thanks, mschwab!

  3. Patti Avatar

    NICE!! Hahaha!

  4. […] all that good stuff, so it’s fun to make tiny gifts for them, but as I expand beyond making plush toys I’m encountering some struggles. Baby shoes are my latest endeavor. After I made the first […]

  5. Marcel Reiser Avatar

    That’s totally reeking of awesome!
    If you’d ever feel like doing a plushy PlayStation Controller, I’d be more than happy to buy one from you. 😀

    1. Claire Avatar

      Thanks, Marcel! My husband has definitely tried to sway me to do a PlayStation Controller, too. I’ll let you know if I ever figure it out 🙂

      1. Marcel Reiser Avatar

        Perfect! I’ll keep my eyes open! 🙂

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