Tag: recipes

  • Another Post About Kale

    The internet doesn’t need more kale recipes. I almost didn’t post this for that very reason, but then my husband reminded me the internet wouldn’t exist without unnecessary and redundant information. And I’m not posting kale recipes because it’s trendy. I’m posting kale recipes because it’s all I grew this summer so it’s all we…

  • Spelt & Honey Banana Muffins

    I used to work in an office building in downtown Indianapolis, nestled among restaurants and coffee shops. Nordstrom CafĂ© was on one side of me and the Omni Severin coffee and sweets counter was on the other. I usually grabbed a coffee and a muffin from one of these places before getting settled in each…

  • Fall Fruits

    Recently we found we had an overabundance of fall fruits and veggies and so I spent a full day in the kitchen peeling apples, slicing pears and prepping veggies for the coming week. I think there is nothing more beautiful (and delicious) than fall fruits. And there may be nothing more relaxing than spending time…