Category: Recipes

  • The Suburban Sledgehammer

    No, it’s not a pro wrestler. It’s a drink. And really it’s just called a Suburban, but the sledgehammer bit is true. While searching for some good fall cocktail recipes to sip beside a backyard fire, Regan and I came upon an Esquire recipe for these. Mixed with rye, port, dark rum and bitters this…

  • Pumpkin Sage Ravioli

    Since last weekend when my friend loaned me his pasta maker I’ve been fairly well obsessed with figuring out how to make the perfect pasta. I’m still far from achieving it, but that’s not to say I’m not enjoying my results. Our dog Jack is definitely enjoying every minute of pasta-making. Have you seen how…

  • Pink Lemonade Cupcakes with Buttercream Frosting

    I work at an organization which happens to put on a film festival. Each September the office begins to look more like a war zone and my co-workers begin to put in 12 hour days. About this time, past filmmakers and volunteers start bringing in chocolates and treats to keep us energized and I start…

  • Paprika Parmesan Corn on the Cob

    Last weekend we made the mistake of not adjusting our standing order for our weekly grocery delivery and so we received a produce bin for a family of four or more. This is a mountain of produce for two people. But whenever I have more fruit and produce on hand than we can reasonably handle,…

  • Sweet Salsa Verde

    This weekend, upon finding our fridge full of tomatillos, we decided to make a treat and indulge in some chips, salsa and margaritas. These foods are the stuff that weekend nights in summer are made for. Even though we didn’t have any chips on hand, we decided to give home-made baked corn chips a try.…

  • Strawberry Bourbon Sidecar

    After our adventures on the Bourbon Trail last month, we went on a bit of a bourbon kick. Encouraged by some friends who successfully infused strawberry, mango and raspberry bourbons, Regan and I decided to infuse some of our own. We used a pint of sliced organic strawberries and 750 ml of Jim Bean Bourbon…

  • Brie and Tomato Pasta

    I grew up with busy parents who had an eat to live mentality, not live to eat. Our cabinets were full of whole grains and dried fruits. Our fridge always had fixings for sandwiches and multiple jars of pickles (really. so many pickles.). There weren’t ever really snacks or sweets in the house, except for…

  • Chocolate Banoffee Pie

    Years ago I stumbled across a recipe for Chocolate Banoffee Pie. It seems it’s not a well-known American recipe, but it should be. It’s a personal favorite of mine, and judging by the expressions of happiness my friends uttered at a recent get-together, it might be a new favorite of some other folks. It certainly wasn’t…

  • Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon

    As the daughter of a camp director, my summers revolved around summer camp from ages 1 to 18. The best of those long summer days were spent at Camp Miller in Sturgeon Lake, MN. Each Friday all the campers would gather outside for lunch at the “Chuck Wagon.” Hamburgers or Sloppy Joes were served along…

  • Kale Chips: The Ultimate Snack

    Sometimes our refrigerator gets so full of greens we run out of enticing ways to use them all. Currently we have two heads of broccoli, one lb. of asparagus, two bags of mixed greens, seven green peppers, two heads of chard, snap peas and a garden that will be producing out of control in about…