How Does Your Garden Grow?

It’s the Fourth of July Weekend and it is hot out. It’s humid, sticky and still. Luckily there is reprieve to be found in our shaded backyard.

Of all the places to spend time in our home during summer, I choose the front porch. But when the front porch is too hot to bear, I move to the backyard and sit on the ledge of our raised bed garden. Our garden is at the point where all the plants are vibrant green and each day we can still find some new flower blooming. While we wait for the tomato and pepper plants to fruit, we’ve got plenty of lettuce and beans to pick and enjoy in the meantime.

What’s cropping up in your garden today?


2 responses to “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

  1. amanita80 Avatar

    Our kale is doing quite well in the front yard. Only one plant has been ravaged by….something.

    The herbs are INSANE. Please come over if you ever need oregano, parsley, or basil. Seriously.

  2. maryannk Avatar

    We’ve had a cold summer, so when I left for the States June 30, everything was just tiny sprouts. I guess it warmed up, though, because when I returned only 10 days later, the veggies had exploded! There’s something to be said for thinning while things are still tiny, rather than waiting for the survival of the fittest – I think mine all turned out to be pretty fit! Yum, though! Been having Radishes and Arugula since I got back with more lettuce and soon zucchinis. Potatoes are ready for digging, too.

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