Growing up our cabinets were always stocked with a box of honey grahams. They were our go-to snack for every occasion. In fact, I had a friend over once in middle school who was allergic to multi-grain bread — the only kind in our cabinets. Having no other options on hand I made her a turkey sandwich with graham crackers instead. It’s not something I would recommend. But remembering that instance makes me realize how bland graham crackers could be. Even though these snacks were one of my favorite treats, they were only truly special when slathered in leftover frosting or dunked in hot chocolate. Otherwise they were crunchy cardboard squares.
This week, though, I became nostalgic for these crunchy little crackers and decided to see if I could make some. Turns out that when home made, graham crackers can be the most delightful treat imaginable — without frosting or hot chocolate.
I used Nancy Silverton’s graham cracker recipe adapted by Heather Swanson at 101 Cookbooks. It’s simple and satisfying. I particularly liked gently dividing each cracker into four squares and punctuating the tops with the small uniform holes for which graham crackers are known.
I really can’t imagine a better treat. They are just the right texture with a perfect crunch, and there is nothing bland about them. They are as comforting as they were when I was a child, but suddenly they taste like they were made for an adult. They are sublime dunked in a glass of milk, but they taste equally at home paired with some black coffee.
They are as fun to eat as they are to make. I foresee another batch coming right up.
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