Weekend Snow

While the Northern part of our state is expecting 16 -20 inches through tomorrow, our snowfall pales in comparison. That said, we still took today to pretend like we were snowed in.

Warm meals, secret Christmas crafting, gift wrapping and holiday lights — this was the way we rocked the weekend.

After a weekend full of hearty breakfasts of french toast with cinnamon and apples on top, and lunches with thick, buttered slices of bread with a bit of soup on the side, I realized I need to not know how to make bread. Somehow in winter I can’t help but go through loaves like I need bread to live. And maybe I do — it helps fatten me up for the winter cold.

Our simple packages look lovely under the tree. We did have to move the little, amorphous man though. Our dog, Jack, believes him to be his squishy little soul mate and has tried to sneak off with him one too many times.

Somehow we managed to get nearly all our Christmas shopping done early and now we just find ourselves taking care of little projects leading up to the holiday. I love days like this where we can pretend there’s no world beyond our doorstep and all we need to focus on are things that involve yarn or the sewing machine (well, that’s more my focus than Regan’s, I suppose). I’ve taken to spending much of my crafting time in the dining room. It’s just so festive — or at least as festive as we get around these parts.

What holiday projects do you have in the works?





3 responses to “Weekend Snow”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    So festive, Claire – just lovely. I’m more than a little jealous, as that is exactly how I wish I’d been able to spend my weekend! Happy holidays! (And if you ever have too much bread…I’m just sayin’… 🙂

  2. Frank Avatar

    Love the Christmas Tree!

    1. Claire Avatar

      Thanks, Frank!

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