
Regan is a good, good guy. Yesterday for my birthday he surprised me with a mysterious trip to Avon. Avon’s not all that mysterious, but driving to a surprise destination there is. We arrived at the Avon Quiltery and when we walked in the door he said to the woman at the counter, “We’re here about a serger.” And I squealed with delight.

I can’t say enough about how kind the owner was as she sat down at each serger and walked me through how to use each one. Regan had it all set up so that I had someone to instruct and guide me while withholding judgment. After countless hours of internet serger research Regan had realized the only way for me to not break down into tears as I learned my new machine was to have some one give me a hands-on demonstration.

Forty five minutes later we walked out of the store with a brand new serger and multiple tutorials swimming in my head.

Now the Janome MyLock 204D sits in my sewing room with scraps of cut fabric all around it. I’m making progress already. Last night, in the time it took Regan and I to “watch” Batman Returns, I cut out a pattern, the fabric, and had sewn my first rolled-hem t-shirt. It’s not amazing to look at, but I’m pretty impressed with myself– or more specifically, I’m pretty impressed with the machine. I still have ends to sew in and perhaps a picture to take with me in it as proof.






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